CLC Sikar Vs PCP Sikar for Coaching

CLC Sikar or PCP (Prince Sikar)? Do you want to know which institute offers good coaching for JEE/IIT/NEET preparation? You have landed on the right page! Here we are sharing a detailed comparison of these two popular institutes of Sikar, Rajasthan.

We got many queries regarding which institute is best for coaching i.e. CLC or PCP in Sikar and how they are different from each other. So, we decided to share some major points that help our readers to make the right decision for themselves or for their loved ones.

Let’s check out our review:

Overview: CLC Sikar

CLC Sikar which is also known as Career Line Coaching in Sikar is a famous institute of Sikar that was established in 1996 in Sikar (Raj.) by ER Sharwan Choudhary. This institute offers to coach for JEE/IIT/NEET preparation. This institute is known for its motivational speech by Director Sir (Sharwan Choudhary). It is true that students get motivated by them and not only students but also parents. And, this is their specialty which is why this institute became famous in Sikar, they have given good results in JEE, IIT, NEET exams.

You can check our detailed review on CLC Sikar here:

Overview: PCP Sikar

Prine Career Pioneer which is known as Prince in Sikar also offers JEE/IIT/NEET/pre-foundation coaching. Prince is known for its facilities in Sikar to its students and is also known for its many colleges, schools, and coaching points. They have two campuses in Sikar for IIT/JEE coaching in Sikar one is on Piprali Road and another campus is on Palwas Road Sikar. They have a good strength of students and teachers. It is run by Prince management. Prince has also given good results in JEE/IIT/NEET exams. This institute also comes in the list of the top 5 best coaching institutes in Sikar, Rajasthan.

Check our detailed review on PCP Sikar here:

Which is better Prince Sikar or CLC Sikar?

Which institute would be a good option for a student, depends on person to person (CLC vs PCP Sikar). So it would be difficult to say which of these institutes is absolutely good and which is not. Both these institutes have their own distinct specialty, here we will discuss with you some of the things which make them different from each other.

Let’s take a look at some of the major points of PCP Sikar and CLC Sikar:

Let’s check out some of the detailed comparison points we have included below:

Experienced Faculty: JEE/IIT/NEET

CLC Sikar and Prince Sikar, both institute has experienced faculty and freshers faculty. You can say, CLC has 45% of experienced faculty whereas PCP has 60% of experienced faculty. In this, we can say PCP is the one who has the most experienced faculty than CLC Sikar. However, PCP has also high strength of students per batch as compared to CLC. Hence, we can say both institutes are considered equal in this parameter. They both have faculty that has more than 10+ years of experience in teaching.


PCP Sikar and CLC Sikar, both have given good results in JEE/IIT/NEET exams. If we talk about their separate results then we can say PCP is giving equal results in NEET and JEE-IIT. But, CLC Sikar has achieved good results in only IIT-JEE and their NEET performance is not much good as PCP is doing good in both programs. But, we can also say that both institutes’ results in consistency are not much great as other institutes in Sikar are achieving like Matrix in JEE and GCI in NEET.

So, in terms of results yes we can say PCP is doing good as compared to CLC Sikar (Except Matrix and GCI).

This year, Matrix gave three toppers in JEE Main Exam 2023 (1st All India Topper, 3rd in Sikar, 4th in Sikar) and Allen Sikar gave one topper (2nd topper of Sikar), and after these two institute, PCP gave some good results and holds third place after Matrix and Allen Sikar.

So we can say PCP is much better than CLC in terms of results in JEE exams.

Facilities for JEE and NEET Aspirants

Both, institutes (Prince PCP Sikar and CLC Sikar) offer excellent facilities and there is no comparison in this. Both are giving excellent facilities to students such as labs, resources, laboratories, classrooms, infrastructure, etc. Therefore, we can say they get equal points for these parameters.

Students and Teachers Ratio

In this parameter, CLC is a clear winner over PCP Sikar. Because Prince Sikar has a good strength of students per class as per CLc Sikar. And, their teacher ratio can be equal but the student ratio is much greater than CLC.

Fee Structure: CLC vs PCP

The fee structure of their JEE/NEET coaching are same and we can say they are charging lump-sum equal fees. However, CLC and PCP both give good discounts and also found during the survey that their fees structure for each course is different for all students as per their discount policies. In this, they both got equal points.


In terms of motivating students and boosting their confidence, CLC is again a clear winner, and all know about ER Sharwan Choudhary for their motivational speeches. Whereas, PCP is managing many institutes and schools and they barely get some time to interact with all students.


CLC Rank 3rd with a rating of 4.2 out of 5 and PCP holds ranks 4th with a rating of 4.0 out of 5.

CLC Sikar: 3rd Rank in Sikar for JEE/IIT/NEET Coaching and ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.2 out of 5

PCP Sikar: 4th Rank in Sikar for JEE/IIT/NEET Coaching and ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4.0 out of 5

Matrix Academy has a rating of 4.8 out of 5 and Allen Sikar has a 4.3 rating out of 5.

We can say, both institutes are doing good but CLC is slightly the best option between CLC Sikar and PCP for JEE and NEET coaching.


If you want to join only CLC then you can Join CLC and also can visit these institutes one by one.

Matrix Academy Holds 1st Rank and Allen Sikar Holds 2nd Ranks in Sikar when it’s about to take JEE preparation from Sikar’s institutes.

Also, if you are looking for the best coaching institute in Sikar for NEET/IIT-JEE coaching, then you can also explore our list of best institutes of Sikar


Is CLC good for coaching?

CLC Sikar is a good option for JEE/IIT/NEET coaching that holds 3rd rank in Sikar for facilities, teachers, results, and location. However, they don’t have stable consistency in their results and faculty (which keeps changing over time).

Is PCP Sikar good for Coaching?

PCP Sikar is also another good option for JEE/NEET coaching that holds 4th rank in Sikar. They offer excellent facilities and spacious classrooms to students However, the consistency of their results is also not stable and they have high strength of students per batch.

Top coaching institutes in Sikar?

Now, the time has come to reveal some of the best institutes of Sikar that have grown Sikar Education’s market. We have also shared the list of the best JEE/NEET/Schools on our site: You can check them, too.

Check out the Best JEE coaching centers in Sikar, Rajasthan.

Which coaching performs best in JEE Exam 2023?

Matrix Academy did an excellent job by giving three toppers in JEE 2023 exam, one is All India Topper Mayank Soni with 100%ile (295 out of 300), and 3rd topper is Mohit Modi with 99.98%ile and 4th topper Aman Nehra with 99.97%ile. And, Allen Sikar also did a great job by giving 2nd topper (Krish Gupta with 100%ile 280 out of 300).

If we talk about PCP and CLC then PCP holds the third rank this year in terms of results after Matrix and Allen.

PCP’s result in the JEE Main 2023 with 20 of its students scoring above the 99 percentile and 20 students scoring 99%tile in JEE Main 2023. Which is not much good as compare to Matrix and Allen but yes, as compared to CLC gets good results.

Final Words on CLC Sikar vs PCP (Prince Sikar)

These both institutes have their own unique approach to teaching and getting good results and ratings. However, if you want to look for an institute that offers high results with quality education you can choose Matrix, Allen, or GCI. or, if you would like to know which is better than CLC or PCP, they both are nearly equally good and offers good benefits. Plus, both institutes offer comprehensive study material to their students and an experienced faculty that helps to ensure that students get the best possible results.

Overall, both CLC Sikar and PCP (Prince Career Pioneer) are considered as one of the top 5 JEE coachings in Sikar, Rajasthan.

We hope we have helped you with our detailed comparison of CLC (Career Line Coaching) Sikar vs Prince for JEE and NEET coaching.